T.Yamamoto’s Publications

原著論文 Original Papers>

・R.Yokoyama, N.Kido, T.Yamamoto, J.Furukawa, H.Iwai, S.Satoh and K.Nishitani:Immnogold labeling analysis of cell wall polysaccharides with special reference to (1;3,1;4)-beta-D-glucan in rice cell walls. Bio-protocol, Vol 6, 5, e1748, 2016

・R.Yokoyama, N.Kido, T.Yamamoto, J.Furukawa, H.Iwai, S.Satoh and K.Nishitani:Histochemical staining of silica body in rice leaf blades. Bio-protocol, Vol. 5, 19, e1609, 2015

T.Yamamoto, H.Okuda, R.Nozawa, J.Furukawa and K.Miura:Enhancement of cold tolerance promotes resistance to aluminum stress. International Journal of Plant Biology and Research, Vol. 3, 2, 1032, 2015

・N.Kido, R.Yokoyama, T.Yamamoto, J.Furukawa, H.Iwai, S.Satoh and K.Nishitani:The matrix polysaccharide (1;3,1;4)-beta-D-glucan is involved in silicon-dependent strengthening of rice cell wall. Plant and Cell Physiology, Vol. 56, 2, 268 – 276, 2015

T.Yamamoto, A.Nakamura, H.Iwai, T.Ishii, J.F.Ma, R.Yokoyama, K.Nishitani, S.Satoh and J.Furukawa:Effect of silicon deficiency on secondary cell wall synthesis in rice leaf. Journal of Plant Research, Vol. 125, 6, 771 – 779, 2012

S.Aoki, T.Yamamoto and J.Furukawa:Cold neutron focusing with a wolter type-I mirror. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, 026401-1 – 026401-3, 2012

プロシーディング Proceedings>

T.Yamamoto, J.Furukawa, A.Nakamura, H.Iwai, T.Ishii, J.F.Ma, R.Yokoyama, K.Nishitani and S.Satoh:Regulation of secondary cell wall synthesis under Si-deficient condition in rice. XVII. International plant nutrition colloquium & Boron satellite meeting Proceedings Book. 433 – 434, 2013

著書 Books>

山本剛史、古川純:1.12 無機元素 & 6.2.5 ケイ素、ホウ素摂取の制御 & 7.1.6 細胞壁内の元素分布イメージング, 植物細胞壁(西谷和彦、梅澤俊明編著、講談社), 2013

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